$10 CLEAROUT, KA and 180SX items, Carbon fiber dash piece, rebar, taillight, more

Location: Whitby

Shipping: Will ship at buyers expense. Will NOT deliver.

Payment: EMT or Paypal, or in person with cash.

Contact: PM or, if you are IN Durham, ready to pick this up within a couple hours, and dont have any questions to ask, text me at 705 313 5180

EVERYTHING HERE IS $10 (firm, obviously)

KA24 Clutch Fan Piece

  • the piece that connects the rad fan to the water pump

S13 Headlight Assembly

REAL Carbon Fiber Dash Piece
*decided to keep

180sx Taillight

  • one taillight off a 180sx. Enough said

S13 rebar

  • rebar off a 180sx, in good shape

That is all, come get this stuff.

s13 rebar???

---------- Post added at 08:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:51 PM ----------

1 light…
fuck me

huh ^ ? I don’t know what you were trying to ask there. Yes, rebar for sale, pretty sure thats what there called. Metal piece behind the front bumper. And ya ONE taillight off a 180sx. Pm with questions.


picture of carbon fibre piece?

I can picture message it to your phone, PM me your number.

Clutch fan part sold. 3 more items left to get rid of CHEAP.

pm me location for cf piece

Anyone want this stuff?

what size gauges in the din piece?

^ Decided to keep it