1000hp vs 1000hp




shit they probably have more drivetrain hp loss than you have whp

Yeah, but whats the big deal?

All they have with that power is wheel spin.

damn what an un-American thing to say, life is all about excess

The dude needs to shut his fucking mouth and they need in car cameras. The only “cool” part of the video was the 180+mph flyby.

I’ll be happy when I make 400 and I have some traction.

Too bad it won’t happen in this car.

Oh, and un-American? At this point I can firmly say that I am embarassed to be an American.

when the 60 mph roll (2nd run) was starting the dude doing the vid distracted the fuck out of the guy in the mustang i say “mulligan bitch” it would of been a good race if the damn vette didnt stick his nose in.

hence my sarcasm

Sorry, extremely hard to tell via internet

guys with ls1s are meanies :frowning:

I love the color of that Cobra.

Am i missing the 1000hp cars? unless there is around 40-50% drivetrain loss i dont think either have said power.

Combined dick length…?

Still tho, that viper is pretty cool.

is the camera guy trying to be like the bangbus commentator?

drivers suck

Flybys where nice, although IDK about 1000WHP there

salsa music at the begining <–spl?

I agree with cky89 MEHHHHHH

the viper shat all over the stang

Cool vid,i also liked the 180+mph fly by :smiley: