10th -12th Adirondack Nationals in Lake George

It was me, referencing your freedom before they busted ya :rofl. I was all butthurt b/c I got locked up like Akon :lol

oh lol i can understand that.

cops love the truck when i left i rolled a shitload of coal on some ppl on the side of the rd and the UC 2 cars back yankd the car behind me!!! :rofl


FOUND THIS 2 :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICHBU1rqxwU

Lmao I was out with John and that shit was funny. So many upset people from getting belted with black smoke

Dude, when John went by the one time, idk how I caught this but I did.

Some guido looking gay kid was walking up by the camp grounds talking to this chick thinking hes all fly and such, has his head turned and mouth WIDE open, John proceeds to go by and shovel what looked to be 5lbs of soot into his mouth. Dude started coughing and spitting non stop, and totally ruined any chance he had:rofl

Hats off to ya John!!!

i tried my best last night!!! got quite a few clowns!


Calm down BETTY WHITE!

Lmao we got so many people :rofl

covering people with diesel smoke is awesome. I loved doing it to welfare collectors standing on the sidewalk in Schenectady when I was driving my brother’s Ram when I borrowed it a few times.

I saw this guy Saturday when i was driving up, gave me a wave, no idea who it is tho haha


ohhh man yours is of adam getting pinched :lol… so epic. hopefully the fine isnt too hefty.

Saturday afternoon traffic that didnt move.

From not too long ago


Led to this:


:rofl GOD LG sucks!

And heres an Adam Video as well…http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2EefFfBOTDI

and a lil off subject but fun is Adam vs. Rod http://www.youtube.com/user/Jammerstation#p/u/7/NbPy1nfsY5M

Its so stupid that they arrest peple for pouring water on the road, i guess thats how ny lawmakers and policitans fund thier heilocopters and provate planes/parties and oh yes strippers lol

i wanna know how i didnt get in trouble for bringing the water up! awesome weekend nonetheless…and yes i think 90% of us that were at valero were hammered hahahaha

haha yeah everyone was working theyre way further and further into the road too:rofl was a good time, esp yelling at everyone to do burnouts lol

dieing :rofl :rofl :rofl