10th -12th Adirondack Nationals in Lake George

Yup, guess so, you guys dont let anything get by you! LOL

It was such a hilarious car ride

Calling car Ram-Rod:number1

Do tell.

Thanks for the credit. hahah, I’ll have more pics and vids up tonight… mainly the two guys in the truck getting arrested.

why did you guys get arrested?

For pouring water on the road

Everyone needs to watch the video of the guy in the truck doing a burnout, then getting yanked out of his ride and placed into the back of the squad car. :rofl

Okay, I take it back. I wish I was there. :frowning:

When i went back to stews i was listening to my scanner, the cops kept refering to you guys as the “trouble group” at Valero!

Haha yea we were the “Disorderly Conduct Crew”

shut up

really, why did you guys get arrested?

He didn’t see the cop coming either. The cop crossed the median and blocked him. For a minute it looked like the guy was gonna hit the cop. That would have been epic!

For pouring water on the road

Yup how badass is that

K20 burn out #2, missed the first one

Pete launch/burnout

Pete fly-by on the way up

more to come

Like I said to you before… How did I not get arrested? I was obviously hiding water buckets when the cop came to get Mr. 5.0

How did Dbag and I get arrested first

Yeah, you should have been my cop car buddy, at least sean and dbag had some company! :rofl

what the fuckkkkkkkk

They must go into anurism spasm’s when it rains out up there!

Haha yea we had an epic ride down to the station:rofl