11-14 Chimaira & Stemm @ Club Infinity

Yeah I talk to their bass player once in a while. He’s a cool guy. They sound alot like Lamb of God.

Anybody up for a meet before hand and cruize up together?

Hmm… Never know Stemm was from Buffalo. I know them because their song Face the Pain is used in the beginning of each UFC Event.

:word: niagara falls to be exact, been around for 10 years, I remember seeing them for the first time in 99 :tup:

Doors open at 7:00. $18/ticket at the door for 5 bands.

I may roll out depending on how much progress i make on my bmw today.

Divine Heresy

So who is definatly going? And who wants to meet before the show. I dont want to go alone. thats gay.

hey tonights the 17th and its 7:23. I’d go but I am eating red lobster instead.


Just got home. The show was awsome! Hung out with Joe from Stemm and he invited my band to play with them and said he’ll see when he has an open spot next time they tour, if so we’re in :tup:.