11 second battery powered datsun....


didnt see this posted here, figured you guys might get a kick out of it…

That pretty damn impressive! I’d give up my POS gas engine for something like that…

i’m impressed :tup: sure helps when you pick a car that pretty much weighs nothing too :stuck_out_tongue:

Owner is a douche and I don’t care if it went 200mph, it’s lame.

Guys a major FUCKING dork, hamming it up way to much for the camera.

BS about not putting out pollution, has to charge it some how.


The idea is cool, but what a douche.

Wow, 11’s at 110mph without a harness…or even a seatbelt. wtf

I wonder what the life of the batteries is. A dozen charges before they are totally fried?

president obama probably funded the whole project

Wait wait, is this Firehawk853 new Datsun???

I thought he bought a Danzi lol

They look like lead-acid batteries. 300-500 charge/discharge cycles are typical. High voltage charging will shorten this, although it doesn’t affect performance.

^What about the immediate drainage of the battery? 11 seconds?!? That thing must be smokin hot. That can’t be good for it.:gotme:

they look like high end Odyssey batteries, they need a reach around while charging to be done correctly or they’ll be damaged but yes, lead acid principal is still in effect. i doubt with the abuse they’d take 300-500 cycles but ideally yeah. new lithium ion technology is growing fast so hopefully with all the use they’ll gain some exposure and up the R&D and we’ll get some trickle down technology as they take hold.

i doubt they’re being completely discharged in one run, but topping off after every run to keep consistent and keep them safe. 60 AGM batteries @ $200-300 a crack even at wholesale is something you’d want to care for like a child.

Cool car/concept. Lame owner.

Looks interesting.

Its reasonably easy to make a stupid fast electric car, its just not practical yet. Its easy and cheap enough to get a monster motor and controller, and get the power to the ground. The AGM batteries he was running prior would be nowhere near ‘discharged’ after a 1/4 mile, but if youre trying to break records and look impressive… You want to top off after every run. It isnt very bad on the cells for a brief rapid discharge, but its not that great as well. As long as you dont deep cycle them often you can expect 1000+ near full cycles before youre at 50% cap. Those odyssey AGM cells are fantastic, and can handle lots of abuse. Im sure he got them for $50-100 each for such a application.

The A123 cells that are on ‘loan’ are insanely superior to any existing battery tech, including almost all Lithum Ion / Polymer cells… But theyre also insanely expensive. What they put in that car would be around $10-50K in cell costs at retail.

Cool car. Not sure of the owner.

Guy is definitely a pompous ass, but has a point.