12/3/11 buffalo wild wings

who the fuck else salutes like that? i know they dont in the us army/navy/airforce/ etc.
gtfo you troll :Idiots

it WAS pretty much isolated in central europe.
the whole thing predates america in it’s entirity.

omg :facepalm:facepalm:facepalm

i learned all this from a neo-nazi.
i kinda wish i hadnt.

a few of us at work salute each other like that almost every day.

It kinda started when a few people that used to work there thought I was german and they saluted me like that. Now its just a joke type thing.

Nazis ITT.

Well it looks like someone had a fun birthday party!

Happy birthday pjb!

Just went to bww pretty sure Jellies burnout mark is still there

everytime i see jellies hitler salute i lol

Straight out the front door about 30 use from it in the parking zone ? Or the one in front of the store from one end to the other in the driveway ? Cause the long one was myers lol

I get that at work from one of my co-workers too. We both salute each other all the time.

No it’s in the parking area and it’s not too long

Jellies lol

well I didnt do it, Dave did it

Your truck though.

I saw it I know who did it Paul . Don’t get loud with me


Dave as is Singh?

no, Big Red on here. He drove my drunk ass home in my truck