17 Year Old Swaps Cell Phone for Porsche


"Steven started with an old cell phone and eventually traded up to his impressive ride.

It didn’t happen overnight, but with the help of the Craigslist website and a lot of patience, Steven made 14 online swaps over two years to get his 2000 Porsche Boxster S."

Video link: [video]http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/video?id=7564154[/video]


That kid is ugly as shit, lol.

^lol. That’s why he needs that car.

*Porsche. C’mon Josh. lol

a 9000 dollar boxster… kid probably could have made way more than $9K if he worked for 2 years instead of spending 5-6 hours a day on fucking craigslist.

maybe he should be paying attention in fucking class rather than bs’ing on his iPhone

also, those wheels are horrendous and there is something up with the hood/bumper fitment. That car is probably a disaster and beat to piss.

LOL. He’s complaining about the price of an oil change and wants an Escalade? Yay 16 mpg!

Should have kept the bronco. Seriously though 5-6 hours a day on craigslist?

True story.

White trash brother marries long lost sister and raises 8 inbred children in a camper.

News story!

Loving brother finds sister after being separated for 15 years decides to drop everything and travel the country with his family.

look up one red paper clip…

Guy started with one red paper clip… traded up to a house.

I’d bet Newman would trade a cell phone for a 17 year old. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think this is a great story.

:clap: :rofl:

We’ll say 5 hours 5 days a week to be conservative. We’ll say 50 weeks out of the year. Even at minimun wage that is still $9,062 IN ONE YEAR.

I won’t even get into the long term benefits like job experience, resume boosting, work ethic etc. Get off the damn computer and quit worrying about being BALLER in your Porsche or Caddy.

All that aside, we don’t know this kid. He could be working as well… and let’s be honest here, the effort and results are impressive.

Dirty mexican, clean my pool and stop driving your Porsche.

That was a bit harsh

Why so seriousss?!

Should have used the sarcasm tags!

Wait, we have tags for sarcasm txt??

LOL, depends. on a few factors, mainly gender and weight.

ugh will someone please hotlink the youtube video “house porsche”

shits blocked at work…

We didn’t show this shit to Christopher Walker, and if YOU do… we’ll punch your dick.