18 year old girl wrecks 800hp Corvette!

Stupid Bitch.

"cars aren’t for women, cars are for men… -vq30de "

Best way to discribe it.

silly kid, everyone knows…


damn that was a pretty hot vette, sounded totally badass! too bad we couldn’t see any pics or a closeup of what the end result was…

pretty dumb though on his part to let her drive the car, i’m sure she’s paying him off real good :suckoff:

i woulda killed her… but i would never let a girl drive my car to being with

i promptly sent this link to the gf saying “this is why i wont let you drive my car”


her pics

the owner of the vette


her picks dont work

the 80’s called, they want their neon clothes back


i hope the 80s gets their clothes back and i can see that picture

dude she looks good. stop clutching at straws

your sexuality called…your still a virgin

she looks good in “80s” clothes

I read that and thought that was a zing…

Then I read

and oh man was that a zing!

The chick is damn but but the exhaust on the vette looks like poopie

That car sounds siqqq nasty, never heard a video of it idling like that.

But whatever shes a stupid bitch and I feel bad for the car…