1940 tech. imanigne 2011 tech




had to throw this out there lmk what you guys think of it.

also think of this. what if doctors were like bad mechanics? you bring your car in for a simple oil change and then bang you need $1000 worth of work. its like what if the doctor made use sick so he could cure??? i guess they have to stay in business some how. but this is just me everytime i go to doctors they try to get me on handfulls of meds and they say i need them…wait ive made it 21yrs without any of your magic elixers wtf…http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhbK9qA-jU8

i hate when they talk someone healthy to taking these. and they used to give our kids/family herion and cokecaine wtf it used to be medicine? i know crack heads and they dont look to healthy. and i dont think crack can cure. shiiit they used to prescribe cigg’s to people. and no matter whats wrong with you they have a cure. or actually they have a possible cure that they lie about then it causes new problems. wtf is world coming to? diet pills and big dic pills? we can do something you just have to believe in yourself