1988 Mazda 323 GTX: Whats it worth?

I guess they only made about 1200 total in the states. I’ve only seen one in person and didn’t get to check it out since it drove past me. Have any of you ever been around one or driven one? What is your opinion on these cars?

Also wondering what they are actually worth… I’ve seen people trying to get anywhere from $5,000 to $10,000 for these, but realistically what are they worth in average shape?

they are different cars thats for sure

apparently they are great rally cars from what i’ve read…also what you’ll need if you are going to do a P5 AWD conversion i’m almost positive

Cool cars but I think most of them fell into the hands of rally enthusiasts that beat the crap out of them. One that hasnt been beat the snot out of would be cool, but kinda out of date. A wrx would outperform it in every function I would think.

They have a cult following so don’t expect to find one for cheap. Most owners of them know what they go for and very rarely will you see one for sale for what it’s really worth.