1999 Ford Taurus : Perfect Winter / Student car


See the link above for pics.

I bought this from a colleague and got it all ready to go for my sister to help her out. She then decided she didnt want a car… so i need to get rid of this ASAP. Safety still good for 3 weeks.

I will take trades on whatever interests me as well… parts, wheels, TV’s, nice watches (swiss autos only).

All paper work from my transactions is available. I beleive this was a one family car (father and daughter owners) and responsibly driven and well maintained forever.

Ask you mom’s, Dad’s, sisters if they need something… this is all legit.


Just spit juice everywhere.

Such a good deal, someone should get on this.

uuugggh bing…were you trying to tell us something with that ad? :confused:

you couldnt get more creative than weiners for sale?

i thnk someone hacked in because the ad was removed.

link updated

Better ad bing, less weiners aswell.


“already has Taurus fans”

How much for the brakes?

FUUU!!! not parting

$1750 for a SON guy or for a reference through one.

I know those brakes are too good :stuck_out_tongue: (Too few know the old jokes :P)

You could mod it like what I did to my dad’s car, koni shocks, eibach pro springs, fattest sho swaybars front and rear, heim endlinks, heim jointed rear arms for adjustment and if you want front camber plates. Some wider wheels and sticky tires and you’ll be surprised how damn good it drives (serious). It goes from total piece of shit boat that can’t handle or grip for the life of it to truly amazing car. It’s a 2003 I did this too though. I actually enjoy driving it, it grips amazing. If only it was manual but oh well.

sold for full asking price through kijiji


And you didn’t need to pay someone 500$ to post ads for you, AMAZING!!!