2 4 1 Sale in Ohio over the weekend

awesome! congrats Kyle…
any plans for it? i don’t mind the exterior styling either…might look better w/ stock front bumper+lip, and leave the rest as-is, but thats just me.

whats the mustang putting down hp-wise? how do they compare to you?

Love it! Excellent trade :tup: Can’t wait to see it Sunday.

Siqqqqq pickup! I would only change the wheels.

Let’s hope you don’t make any recommendations. :slight_smile:

Gorgeous, love the styling and can’t say I hate the wheels…little outdated but still look good.

The mustang makes about the same power.

This is faster due to the power to weight and the rpm range is longer.

There really are no plans for it except to clean up some little things that bug me. Exterior will remain the same for as long as i own it.

I’ll trade a rip in a 45’ RV with 1950 lb/ft up to 100mph if I can try for 200mph in this.

I’m not a fan of the wheels but those can be changed easily, nice pickup :tup:

Congrats. How do you like the clutch feel w/ the GT2 slave?


What brand of wax was applied to those brake calipers. It’s terrible on an otherwise awesome car.

Nice amount of mods thrown at this car, that is for sure. How do you think the straight line performance compares to your GT500?


It is kind of notchy feeling in 1st and reverse, but other than that it is a great feel.

      • Updated - - -

I believe this is probably faster depending on what rpm range, obviously awd will trump a gt500 out of the hole, but I believe the 911 is overall faster in every category.

For me, the GT500 is the epitome of all Mustang performance, completely unusable tire smoking power, and since I am a mustang geek first, it has a special place for me.

when it was time for me to replace my slave/accumulator on my 996tt I was reading into this and i guess it really makes for a stiff pedal…I just didn’t want to get rid of my awesome feather light clutch feel.

Only this missing on the Mustang. I’ll PM you the link.

Congrats man :tup:


Now we need an official NY Speed Civic Meet

That is a pretty good swap honestly

:tup: awesome

congrats! i know Tony has a huge following in the porsche world

Now you are talking!