2,700 year-old marijuana found in Chinese tomb.

I gotta get me some of that ish. :ssh

I read about this a few days ago, the Chinese knew what was up back in the day. But man getting buried with 700+ grams, that seems a bit selfish lol.

Pff he was probably some crazy ancient bud hookup

Brings a whole new meaning to the term chink-eyed :rofl

Do you get like Pot Digest or something?

ya he prolly has a newsletter from all the growing sites/forums

No wonder why their eyes are always half closed :rofl


someone had a good afterlife ::slight_smile:

its called hightimes magazine. ::slight_smile:

It’s called anyone who disses pot is a hipocritical douchetard, who i know drinks and thinks thats cool. Fuck alcohol and it’s bullshit, no one dies from stoned driving…and if they did the statistic would be smaller than getting struck by lightning and they sucked at driving to begin with.
Weed>>>alcohol(losers) :lol

I can’t tell if you’re serious or not but you probably should have hung out with Jon and I more at LRP (between fixing your axle :haha) if you are serious :rofl

Oh good, stoner BMW drivers. ::slight_smile:


ok he doesn’t have a bmw, at all. you suck.

and you just plain suck

and you swallow… your point?

Benny, I meant you and Jon. I know a VW driver when I see one.

I wasn’t talking about Jon Adams, holdup dat nigga blazes?? sheeeeeiiittt



I have no idea if he smokes, I just thought that’s who you meant.