2 cars=1 winter beater

hey guys,i have a 91 and 92 nissan maxima for sale.both need little work to get on road but have all the parts you need between the cars.

91-minimal rust,new engine 160xxxkm
92-runs good,body is fairly rusted 260xxx

neither car leaks and they both run.can make a good winter beater.

here is a link to my photobucket.

im looking to get 700$ for both.

Bump for good seller, and decent cars. Anyone with a little bit of time, could have a VERY reliable car for NO money.

price drop,600$

if they dont go for 600 ill keep them and drive the 91 myself.

you ppl are really getting old not introducing yourself and just coming here to sell ur shit ohh god i think im going to go to bed now oh yes and please read all of our foroum rules

…And? Why do you give a fuck… GTFO this man’s thread.

And I can personally vouch for this man. Probably some of the best people I know!

91 will u sell sepate ? What does it need to be on the road ?

price drop,450!