2 Garage door openers

Automotive enough I hope… Got two of the fuckin’ things in my garage… Guess where they need to be? YOUR Garage. One’s a cat killing Hamburg Overhead monster, ready to do work and kill your cats too. Eyes are for skirts, cats are weakness leaving the body. How many horsepower? Ask my wife’s childhood pets that rest in pieces, two each to be exact. Next is a half horse Craftsman chain drive eye having sissy opener removed when a new door and jackshaft opener was installed last week. Eyes and wiring all in working order, removes included with both of them or else I’da pitched the sons of bitches in the trash b/c without remotes they’re not worth a shit are they?


Here’s some pictures on my Craigslist add. I’d like money, and not a blowjob from a dude, so craigslist wasn’t an ideal listing location. Asking price for someone who’s not a complete knob is something in the form of folding money. Reasonable offers, as in less than my craigslist asking price (not oral sex)
