2000 civic turbo

im assuming that because of the chipped ecu you have another way to get it to pass an inspection?

You could say that… however, it’s as easy as plugging in a 99-00 EX ECU and plugging some shit in. I could get it to pass ezsauce.

I will guarantee you are an asshole. Kindly take a hike somewhere, I don’t care where… just keep your bullshit out of this thread.


no offence but that is not true. if you just swaped back to your ecu and you were running 440 or 450 injectors you would have to have a way of pulling back fuel on the injectors so that it could run. and you would need to have a boost dependent fuel map so you could keep it running. im not trying to crap on your thread but i want the buyers to understand what they are getting. this is something you should have posted in your thread.

and good morning to you too adam

Are you really trying to school me? You could use a pile of shit piggy back, or you could toss your stock injectors back in… Fortunately, theres about 30139104810481 sets of Civic injectors in the bucket o’ fun… it takes about 20 minutes total.

If you want to play with modified OBDII cars, you should learn how to get them inspected. Honestly, running a piggyback as full time management is not only a crutch… it’s down right stupid. Is this what you’re suggesting?

If you want to get real shady, you just plug your buddies car in. VIN serializing wasn’t a part of Federal OBDII emissions standards, so there wasn’t a uniform place to put it… they can’t tell what the fuck you plug in.

Tell me I’m wrong, and I’ll prove to you that I’m not.

FYI, I tuned this car on 93 octane, and it runs 12psi with NO KNOCK. It has a healthy A/F all the way to redline.

Good price if I had more space I’d consider it


And just to clarify, the whole VIN identification in ECU’s varies from year to year and model to model. Some DO actually get read by DMV, and if you scan them twice it redflags. The way to get around this is to put a different (your) ECU into a different car if you are doing the plug in someone elses car trick…

I don’t condone this… simply stating the facts. My car passes on its own.

wow calm down… i just want to make sure that a buyer understands that as the car sits now it will not pass a legal inspection in NY because it is an obd 1 ecu. i know the ways around the system but i just think this should be known to a potential buyer.

Good shit …


wrong wrong wrong


ahhhh. dirty engine bay. run away!!!

i like the car and would like to trade OP please get back to me? PM

He’s willing to trade two dime bags of the sickest pineapple express you have ever seen. DO IT. NAO.