2000 Nissan Altima 5 speed for sale!

2000 nissan altima for sale
120k miles, 5 speed, interior REAL good condition
exterior - one side is like mint, one side has dents… hood and bumper are diff color
Car runs good, doesnt appear to leak anything, clutch seems real good and no check engine light on



wtf, no one wants a cheap ass Altima that runs flawless? The hell is going on

book value is double in poor condition!

take it to Maaco and get the parts painted and then sell it for $2500

waayy to lazy for that pjb!

but you repaint every other vehicle you own

lolol, this is true… but i keep those vehicles and drive them myself so i want them to look nice. When I buy something at my shop I like to make a LITTLE and flip it QUICK… For the price I got this car for im happy with selling it for 1500 and making a small but decent profit.

bump, $1300 firm not a dollar less before i take pjb’s advice and paint the hood and bumper and sell for more.

sold, got my full $1,500 too due to the new sick custom paint job lmaoo

the hood and bumper got painted? holy shit i can’t even tell.


on a side note… good job getting your money out of it

please tell me thats spray paint… and that you didnt pay anyone…

yes, its spray paint from advanced lmao… GM spray paint to be exact hahaha… as shitty as that shit is, it sold the car and looks alot better then a white hood and black bumper lolol

i was like daves losing his damn mind if he paid someone to do that.