2002 Kawasaki ZR-7s Sport Touring Motorcycle

So I know it is the end of the season and a crappy time to sell, But I found a house I want to attempt to buy and need to round up cash for first year’s taxes and closing costs. I paid $2500 for this just 3 months ago. I need to get $2000 for it FIRM to let it go. It’s a super comfy bike to ride, it has 13,xxx miles on it, 5spd, 750cc

I planned on repairing the small crack in the front fairing from previous owner and painting the bike Baytona Blue Pearl, and still will do so for the buyer over winter if wanted for cost of materials only. (it is Burplu in color as stock)

Please don’t waste my time, I know I only have one picture, but if someone is serious they will want to see it in person anyways. Contact me if you have cash in hand and can help me eliminate this asset.


Does this have a Muzzy exhaust? Were you riding down Sheridan last night onto Delaware?

If so, you are a very respectful rider and the bike sounds great. If not, GLWS anywhow.

It has a viper exhaust actually, that wasn’t me but thanks for the reminder on the exhaust lol

Yeah, any other recent maintenance, tire life, etc would help FYI.

I’ll probably do plugs and oil before I transfer ownership. Tires are in great shape, no idea how old they are but they aren’t in need of change. previous owner dropped in driveway once, hence the small crack in front fairing that he plastic welded, but it needs smoothing and paint.

pending sale, deposit recieved