These came off the car 91mr2 was selling a little less than a year ago. I had the car through the winter and ended up trading it in with the winter rims, so these are up for sale. Great shape overall. No bends, no crack, minimal rash.
2 Tires are Nankang Sport NS1’s (more meat on these)
2 Tires are Dunlop SP SPort 900’s
Asking $200 OBO. Once again, spring cleaning here. Please make an offer.
HOLY FUCK I FUCKING HATE CL… I had some inbred retarded douchebag waste my time last night. He finally showed up incredibly late with A FUCKING MAZDA PROTEGE PIECE OF SHIT smelling like he just chain smoked an entire carton of reservation cigarettes while standing next to a fucking waste management facility.
“oh, I saw that it had 4 holes so I thought it would work.”
ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME, HAVE A NICE FUCKING NIGHT. FUCK craigslist, and FUCK inbred fggt retards. I HATE selling shit.
honestly dude you should have just let him take them, only down side it that he now knows where you live and would probably rob your house once he spent 6 hours trying to put them on and realized they did not fit.
Shit man, yeah that’s annoying. I prob. would have let him take them. I mean, it’s not your resp. to know his bolt pattern. You advertised these for what they are. For all you know, he can buy them and put them on his car, resell them, make a table out of them, etc…
He brought his lug wrench and wanted to ‘test fit’ on his fucking POS mazda shitbox. I didnt want to waste my time knowing that they didnt fit.
EDIT: I mean what sort of inbred hick ass retarded fggt thinks that just because it has ‘4 holes’ it will automatically fit. His mom must have drank a lot while she was pregnant.
After my insane price drop t $125 I have a couple bites but B Herbert got to me first so he has first shot on these. I have PM’d you back and will be around all day. I will respond to others as they PM’d me if he doesnt work out.