picking it up tonight at 5 i’ll have some pics of it for all you mx people
sickness…what kind of deal you get? I heard those thing are flat out awsome
nice…i need to ride it. i hear they are badass.
also bics, check your mx.com pm’s
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i cant jump,i need to 4 stroke it
fag! tire kicker!!! i wanted your bike. i would have even thrown in some stereo system shit to sweeten the deal for ya. alpine?clarion?jl audio? pioneer? phonixgold? headunits and subs.
im sorry dude im tryin to get my dad to let me what year is your bike maybe i can get him to let me trade for your bike with there system shit if you wanna race i can prolly let you use mine since you didnt get to drop yours off.let me know cause if so you’ll need your break line and a break lever.

there she is
not bad for a kawi
aganst daddy new truck:nono:
im showing him
i would want to either swap all my controls onto your bike temporarily, or your suspension onto mine. if you traded me, i would swap suspensions, and use your bike for a practice/parts bike and race mine. i’m not into borrowing things. just trade me for the car… i will never sell my bike. it is > any other whooped on POS
thats a very nice bike but i would keep an eye on it. ive heard of multiple shifting problems. check these out…
i heard some reliablilty issues with these too. but regardless, nice bike

C class?
till i get bumped yea but not graphics wise i never run the right ones i like the black ones
ya, i know what u mean. my c-class backgrounds have been on backorder for like 2 months…so i raced w/ black numbers stuck right on the white plastic…lol. but those backgrounds look good on your kxf though, dude. good luck tommorrow (and Don too, if u go). i wish i could be there w/ you guys.
well i went 1st in C and 1 in four stroke and don went 1st in both his to we cleaned house today
congrats to both of you. pittspeed owns MX also.