2006 NYI Mustang on Mustang Points

not bad I placed 21st out of 91 total, and 8th in my class, and only raced in 3 of the 6 events.

If you look closely you can find other WNY common names. :tup:

wheels up 10s or bust has been successfully completed. :rofl:

Nice man:tup: But you still cant beat me from a roll :stuck_out_tongue:

^ hahaha

GOod job chode, im proud of you little buddy :cry: :smiley: :lol:

i heart fmf, pm sent

congrats choda :tup:

congrads man

Nice. You did that well and did not even go to all of the events. Congrats :tup: I havent even looked at my place yet.


congrats!! are you planning on making all the events next year and seeing how you do?



i finished 3 in my class and missed first 2 races

most deff. id like to finish top 5. and maybe even win another trophy.

yea that kinda sucks.

who’s jacks? i thought your real name was choda? :lol:

good job, bighands racing :tup: