2006 Rally Videos


Looks like we killed this guy’s bandwidth, but the videos are available on bitTorrent…


Rally Sardinia was this past weekend…

Day 1:
Day 2:

Still waiting for Day 3…

This was a good event so far. Watch for the interview with Solberg. And also watch for Atkinson’s jump. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a car fly that high.

EDIT: Day 3:

<3 Bret.

Vids are posted!

anyone going to stpr?

I would have been, had I actually planned for it in advance and not realized last week when it was…

Rally Acropolis is this weekend. Right now, only the preview is up, but the direct downloads are working.

Still no direct links for the actual event, but here is the torrent for Day 1:


Acropolis Day 2:


Acropolis Day 3:


After a long break, finally WRC is back in action. All 3 days of Rally Germany are up at the usual site.

Ugh, I gotta wait several more hours before I can go home to watch day 3. :frowning:

Day 1 is pretty entertaining, watch grown men cry… :cry:

Interesting announcement of some of the new rules that FIA will be putting into place for 2007:

  • only one tire manufacturer, and it won’t be Pirelli (Solberg will probably be happy about this)
  • Cars must have all four wheels when travelling on public roads between stages ( :biglaugh: at this one, watch what happened to Loeb during Rally Acropolis to see why they did it).
  • Cars that return under the restart rule will no longer be eligible to score points (makes total sense to me)



why restart then?

Finland is up at enormouslysideways.net, you may have to go to torrentspy for day 3.

Finland has to be one of the most exciting rallies of the season. So much speed, so much sideways, and so much air. :tup:

Rally Cyprus was this weekend. Day one and Day two torrents are up at mininova.org (search for WRC 2006 and you’ll find them). Still waiting for day 3. Direct downloads for the event were not up at enormouslysideways at the time of this posting.

Probably won’t show up on Sideways until Tuesday. He’s been taking a day or two longer since the last server move/issues.

You know I can’t possibly wait that long…

Yeah I know :slight_smile:

All of Rally Cyprus is up on the torrent sites…


The special stage through the city streets is a highlight. Sometimes, street racing is NOT gay. :wink:

My other favorite thing to watch for in this rally:

“Hey, what’s that really bright thing in the sky? Oh noes, I’ve gone off the road!”