who in 09

you’re right…you have been nice to me in person…i don’t listen to anyone on this forum(only mk30r) haha…i said what i said from reading the forum’s for the past years…everyone wants to have the fastest car around here… and i’ve said it before, i would love to see everyone run 11’s, 10’s, and 9’s…do i want to have the fastest street car…of course i do…do i want to be beaten… no not at all…can it happen…yes…will it happen…it could…do i want it to be you…FUCK NO because i would never hear the end of it…sometimes i think the friendly competition gets out of hand with the shit talking…is it fun…hell yeah and i do it to… but you are a totally different in person then you are on here… you and I could go on for days for whos cars is better in whatever way… but in the end it’s the time…