who in 09

haha, not anymore. gtfo with ur Honduh

you’re not defensive at this moment but as soon as someone brings up a valid point you will be… thats all i’m saying

you’re right…any car has a chance not just your car…i would never give you a race with my car though…it would be a lose lose for me… if i won i would still be a loser because you would come up with some lame ass excuse on why you lost… and if you did beat me fairly… i would still lose but unlike you i would shake your hand…so i guess we’ll just be going for a better time!!! good luck

You are right raif did not build my talon motor from 6 years ago you dumb ass. Raif built my last 6bolt from my gst you clown. You know nothing so why dont you go ahead and blow some more head gaskets and keep hunting for that 9 second pass that will never happen with your cobbed up civic

true everyone has a chance to win but not to run low 10 or high 9s side by side racing.
who said i would make an excuxse or not shake your hand. when have i ever been rude like that to you in person??? you listen too much to all the bullshit on this site, thought you knew better.

by next snowfall you mean today??!?!


That’s because you run your mouth about him as soon as you hit a keyboard. His reasoning makes perfect sense and every one on this board would agree

agreed +1

agreed +2


ive never met a-rod, im sure he is a nice guy but he tends to be an e-thug on the net.lets face it we are all here because we love cars. but i hate it when it turns into a mydad is bigger than your dad shit show.

you’re right…you have been nice to me in person…i don’t listen to anyone on this forum(only mk30r) haha…i said what i said from reading the forum’s for the past years…everyone wants to have the fastest car around here… and i’ve said it before, i would love to see everyone run 11’s, 10’s, and 9’s…do i want to have the fastest street car…of course i do…do i want to be beaten… no not at all…can it happen…yes…will it happen…it could…do i want it to be you…FUCK NO because i would never hear the end of it…sometimes i think the friendly competition gets out of hand with the shit talking…is it fun…hell yeah and i do it to… but you are a totally different in person then you are on here… you and I could go on for days for whos cars is better in whatever way… but in the end it’s the time…

thats true…but so does everyone else that start talking shit here. i really don’t look to start shit or ever be the first to talk shit about someone else. unless its someone that i know and is a scum bag like you sean.

i really lol’d for the last sentence…

i agree

lmao @ iconrads avatar! buford!

so much sence in this post…

Lot of shit talking on here and its starting get old. What ever happened to friendly racing and respect? Arod, I dont know you and never have met you but you do seem to attack the same people on here from time to time, I do agree with Ray being in a lose-lose situation. There are other cars that have the capabilities to run 9s on here as well.

You dont even know me you spic scum bag. But we all know you and your bull shit so any time feel free to actually sit down to a nice dinner and some drinks and we can finally bond so then you really will know that scum bag that I am

Im goin for 9’s this year…

i’m sure you’ll get it!!

Classic internet racing at it’s best.

Whats always funny to me is that as the cars get faster, the owners get cooler…

It’s normally the 400HP and under crowd that’s starting all the shit anywhere that you go.