2007 R6 <mint condt> I want a new R1. help me out

i want but cant swing the $ right now = (

swing it


thought you wanted a new R1? ready for the litre bike? its not too hard to get used to =)

damn it this is tempting

got house now r1

yes it is come take a look at it b4 i move it to my parents house for the winter.

ITs more fun to go faster on a slow bike than go slower on a fast bike…

besides you’ll learn faster.
<3 the styling of these… always loved the tails. GLWTS

clean bike

ya that true it is really fast, i just want to stard modding my bike and put money in to it, and i dont want to dump a ton of money in it and then find out i want a 1000cc bike in a year or to.
i figure if i get a r1 now and start modding it, ill have the bike for a long time.

Has any one herd any thing negitive on the new r1’s?

yes… they’re ugly. lol.

Supposed to be a fun bike… in all seriousness. I still have yet to ride one.

cbr1000rr ftw

ya maybe a cbr1000 i like the look i have to compare the 2

southernhonda.com 7200 brand new 1000rr… with lifetime engine warranty… :tup:

sounds good i think im going with the r1

bump clean bike

any reasonable offers?

after tax returns i will come looking!

ok thats like in 2weeks come by shoot me a call whenever

new year to get a bike
