2010 Season Diggums and Roll Races...

laduke vs dave would be a pretty good race i think

Who said I was afraid?.. of your hoopdy nah brah

I thought so too hes the one thinkin hes to guddy for me

you mean guudy?

so being a h*bib and race fool


Laduke honestly thinks his ride is going to be fast as fuckkkk.

105-106mph trap tops.

oh ok. guud deel

Whoa , Never said that !!!. I said " car should be in the 12’s-13’s"

Not trying to sound cocky but the guy with the same set up as me(older turbo, same motor, same management, same drivetrain) went 124, I dont expect near that but id say 115 is reasonable

yea ok

The Duke will be seeing 120. Calling it right now for when it happens.

VR-T > any turbo D series.

Me, big red, laduke… 3 wide, 40 roll

thats fine. just dont get butt hurt when you get beat

lolololollolololololol ,duke i never met ya .but are you rockin a drool cup mounted helmet

Sounds like a vw sandwhich

word lets do it:thumbup

hahahah im dyin over here

meatpaws u ready to race the 4 door??

hell yeah ,roll im on juice though
