21 Most Recession-Proof Cities, According to CNNMoney

These 21 large metro areas were singled out by Brookings for keeping their labor and housing markets stable and posting robust economic activity during the past few years.

In fact, all but five of the 21 leading cities have economic output levels that top records set just prior to the recession.

Albany, Buffalo, and Rochester made the list - of course, we didn’t have a boom before the bust, and it could be argued that we are also “boom-proof” as well as recession-proof - but it is interesting that some cities topped the financial records, even during the downturn.

These lists are all retarded anyways.

What a shock most of them are in Texas. Yay red state!

How the fuck is Honolulu on that list?

bums and hippies? lol


Yay for all the cities, minus McAllen, being very “blue” and are run by democrats

EDIT: I hate how the keep saying that Dallas is the fastest growing city, the fucking include the whole metroplex. That land mass is equivalent to Buffalo to Pittsford

Buffalo being on there must be a typo.