They come with a silver garish, there in good shape other than a nick on the left tail light and one of the reverse light socket is busted but can be easily fixed.
Theses tail lights are located in Nova Scotia but shipping can be arranged
txt 902-277-2976
i’m not sure if you know, but these lights are $500 new. and im sure there could an ever cheaper price online. So considering yours are not new and have nicks and a light socket busted your asking price is way too steep, im sure others would agree…
gonna have to agree, i picked up a set for 200 bucks in great condition
ohhhh wweeeehhhhhhhhlllll glws cause I know you’ll need it
yo blair post some pics on fb when you install them
i want to see
500 is a pretty alright price. ( i am not affiliated or indorsed by the selling party)
500 is an alright price if they are mint, chipped or scuffed ones should be going for around 350-400
Ill forsure doo that, just waiting for some other parts then i can put them all on at the same time, and i have to switch everything over to my other s13
500 obo is not a set price aka “OR BEST OFFER” so if you think the price is to “steep” than make an offer. If you have no interest in making a purchase than why even comment.
well you should upload some good pictures of them so people would see their condition and the imperfections, that way they have an idea what to offer for $. i’d like to have an idea too… im interested in buying some soon
THESE ARE SOLD! Thanks for the interest