277hp Turbo LS Coupe

Is it hard to get a job with an arrest record?

This is way to long of a read . Recap … We were never cool . You ARE at scumbag in my book . You were in the car with nick leo so that makes you just as guilty . You guys lied to me thinking I was stupid until the cops came into the picture and I got wood to say you guys were there. So STOP trying to act like you are legit …/ of story

Update… nick leo is also a faggot.

k buddy ill see you at waterfest and you can call me a scumbag to my face and not on the internet

and for the record i didnt get in any trouble what so ever for that incodent…because i didnt do shit. i made a statement against zach wood, because he was the one driving. and i got in no trouble…so yeah im a fuckin scumbagggggggg you better whatch out i might run up in your house and steal your change or something

I don’t want confrontation down there. I just wanna enjoy my weekend there.If I see you in Colonie or some where around here I will say it to your face no doubt. Grow up

hmm ill be sure to save that comment for the future . Seeing as someone DID take change outta my car and my moms car at night .

Sounds like someone has a petit larceny problem

so meet me today if you dont wana get beat up down there

im sure your saving all of this you retard…like it fucking matters hahahaha your such an idiot. i could selll the armani glasses off my face and get a car better then that smoking audi you got you fuckin retard

Did the cops cavity search you zack? Lol

Youre not beating anyone up… you and nick leo ridin the razor scooters down to wf?

haha plz . Grow up man I am not in highschool . I work and have a life … I don’t have time for that shit.

you seem to think that im fucking with your shit, when if i really had a problem with you or wanted to do something to you, i would smash your windows out with a bat…not go steal your fucking change you hvcc retard. why dont you save that one too so someday if it ever does happen then you can call up chris carey and tell him

Point proven that you need to grow up … You are making yourself look like an idiot with your comments.

yes wana roll down?

i dont really give a fuck what you or anyone thinks on this SHIT forum…so meet me today and talk to me like a fucking man or ill see you down there and i wont be so friendly.

Ya your not gonna touch Laduke

Cant make it to wf… but if i see you and nick again you guys can beat me up. Ill keep some change in my pockets for you to steal

haha dude I am NOT scared of you by far . Fighting you wouldnt solve anything . I will still call you a scumbag and I will still talk shit about you reguardless what happens. I dont have time to set shit up . I have a life and I am not wasting it on you .