2nd Annual Lia Collision Center Car Show: July 24th, 2011



ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i know what it is , that was a shocker . poor kid was scared for his life man lolololol

I had quite the time today


We’ll leave it as i was howards latest rage victim and he gets more upset when you give it right back to him.

so was it a good turn out?? I was going to go to it but really didnt want to waste a day at work…

Show was decent, The old jeeps in the front were AWESOME.

so the KOTS were there…cool

Show was good. A few very clean grand nationals, nice hemi road runner, few custom rods that were very nice also. Good turn out.

I gave it to Howard today myself . He has a chip on his shoulder abouut Ll of us that say what we do . I didn’t kiss and make up with him but we both said what we needed and are gonna be civil

Yeah, they were. We had a convorsation about me apparently being the one who started all this trouble and all these problems, i agreed i added to it, but it wasnt me who made it what it is. A forum member pointed me out to howard and he tried to punk me and it didnt go as he had planned plain and simple as i said everything ive ever said online right to his face. If he had approached me with a better attitude and asked me to please stop and that he didnt like it instead of trying to rage at me and me laughing at him, i probably would of appologized and it would of been done with but, he decided to go a different way with it claiming to be a professional and a business man yet, screaming at me in front of 80 people watching him and clearly saying wtf is this guys problem. So it was a good time. Honestly, no hard feelings to him. Im not even mad at the guy, he said what he had to say as did i. Could of went differently if he had a better attitude and acted like an adult but, it is what it is.

Sounds familiar

No problem. Would of been nicer to get a better look at it but I had to leave, and I missed the judging too. Was it better then last year?

where was his car chris? i totally missed it…lol

just down from mine


all i can do

Some pics from the show. Just random shittt. A couple more on my flickr













I didnt see her there but the girl that usually drives that Neon is smoking hot. Ive seen her several times in Lake George.

She lives about 2 miles from me in halfmoon.

No love for the T Blaze?