3/16/08- Parade Downtown (Sunday)

Who’s going to this? It’ll be my first time; I’ve heard enough stories that I realize I need to finally check it out.

Where’s the place to camp out? And I’m thinking of hitting up allen st for the after parties…G2G at Colter Bay?

If I’m remotely not puking I’ll gladly meet ya there faggot

I will be there…partying on hertel before he parade, who knows where we will end up for the parade though. everywhere?

Where on Hertel? I’ll most likely be pre-gaming at Parkside.

i will be barbacking at club w starting at 12, its going to be a madhouse.

Where’s club W?

199 delaware, old club jade. a few members on here can vouch for them, you wont find any teeny boppers in there. www.checkoutthew.com

Ahh, I used to go there when it was Jade.

If I finish off my back pack full of beer before then, I’ll probabyl swing by :wink:

haha sounds good, i wish i didnt have to work, but i might as well make some money while im there.

I will be sitting on a cooler at like 8 or 9 so we have a good spot and good parking. We will get a little blasted there, probably swing by club W since it was a good time last year, then out to south buffalo with all of the people that were in the parade and all of the good ol’ irish folks to celebrate my heritage for cheaps.

So, any of you whores play bubble hockey?

If so, Frizzy’s at 5ish? I’m looking for an ass kicking. Each game you beat me, I’ll buy you a beer.

i’ll be bartending at Crocodile … car bombs for all!

last year was a blast, my group had all our beers stuffed into a nearby snowbank to kep them exra chiled

what a blast :slight_smile:

Ya, it’ll be a blast. I think its gonna be cold…so that sucks. Oh well. Ill be at W.

My game plan looks like this for Sunday:

9AM: Kegs and Eggs at my house with about 30 people.
11AM: Walk 5 houses down from my house to Kelly’s Korner for a beer and a shot.
~1-ish: Head to the train station and catch the train to Allen St.
~1:30-ish: Commence hitting every bar we see and possibly see the parade.

From that point, I have no idea. I’m meeting tons of people at different places downtown. I just hope I remember it all on Monday.


that’s why I’m bringing the camera.

I’ll be downtown for the parade…sooo much fun!! maybe I’ll see you at Colter Bay Chris…let me know when you are going

we will prob be @ colter bay and around.


ehh i gotta be sober this weekend this fucking sucks