<3 beer

In soon.

BBM me the address.

when you out?

4:00-5:00ish. :cry:

I am still drunk from last night I think. I woke up today to my sister asking me if she needed stitches. She smashed her face on something last night and went to sleep. We dont know where or when it happened we just thought she went to be lol. We need to consider drinking less at some point. Great thread!


toner fell off of the rafter last night in the apt and landed directly on his face. he was up there dancing to some shitty techno music and lost his balance

it was pretty awesome

my god I drank too much last night, I think I’m just starting to get hungover right now lmao

some cocksucker ganked my license plate

no shit?

Someone stole your license plate???

yea… fags. I hate thieves, i bet it was some sort of stupid joke.

nice new custom title. lol

hahaha just noticed it

off your car?

the plate that was on display in the basement

O shit, i always forget about that.

God Bless uninvited guests

^ and people that DON’T follow the NO SHOE POLICY!


^ ROFL, I HAD to post this lol.

are there other pics? I kinda want to see how sloppy I was, because I dont really remember.

Haha yeah I got you in a few