So I am home now back in Seattle. Just wanted to say whats up to all of my nyspeed homies and say thanks for everything. You know helping me kill time and cheer me up when I was down. Just so everyone knows I will be in Buffalo July 1-25 and some beers are in order so make sure you get a hold of me. My family is also throwing me a party on July 5th I think so if you are interested just shoot me a pm. Nothing crazy just good friends, family, and beer. God how i love beer…mmmmmm beer. Ok well that is all for now I have to go work on my shitty f-body.
Andrew Blake :beer2:
Seattle yaaay.
welcome back me u and lz gotta go grab a beer for old times sake
welcome back buddy. call me when your in town, we’ll have to do some drinking
pikes market. go get amazing flowers and fish for cheap. welcome back
Haha hey welcome home man, I made it back to the states 10 days ago and its awesome. Ill be in wny from 4 june- 6 july so you better. Grab a beer with me.
Welcome back, Drew. I was wondering if you were back or what the deal was since you haven’t posted in a while. I was hoping you weren’t a stat.
Call me. I need your address there, or wait till July… Either way it’s ready for you. Unce!
Beer and F-bodies…great combination. The beer helps relieve the stress of owning one lol.
Welcome home - let me know if you are still having issues with your First Home contact, I have another.
Fo Sho
Already hit it up followed by way too many drinks at the whiskey and frontier…ugh.
Sweet I am in just send me a pm and we shall commense the drinking.
Psssht yea i was just traveling.
I will call you sweetie.
Smooches and have fun.
I got everything all set now but thanks.
Welcome back Andy!! post up when your in Buffalo so we can all get together
Welcome back to the land of Walmart.
I know how you feel, I just got back to the states myself. Tour 3 done and in the books. Welcome home to the land of the Big PX and no General Order Number 1
safe trip home :tup: they sendin ya back?
Will do
The woman got all types of pissed when I refused to go to Walmart the other day lol.
I don’t think so. We have a tentative slot to go back but it is after I am out of the Army.