3 Men In A Room

So it’s widely known that NY state government is basically run by 3 men in a room.
At one point Gov. Spitzer and his high-class hookers were actually the least corrupt. Sheldon Silver the Assembly Speaker for the last million years got convicted of corruption a few weeks ago, and now Dean Skelos the Senate majority leader got convicted of multiple counts today. Apparently wanting his son to show up to the $100k a year job he got from a political benefactor was too much to ask for.
Throw in corruption convictions for the guy who preceded Skelos, Joe Bruno, and the ex-Comptroller, Alan Hevesi, who is supposed to be the state’s monetary watchdog, and we’re really on a role the last 10 years. Yay NY!! The last couple weeks should be a call to finally do something about state government but I’m sure nothing will change.

The NY times has a whole section going on corruption trials in NYS govt.

The chick Spitzer was plugging was stunning.

How stunning was she…?

You have Robert Moses to thank for the ridiculous way the NYS constitution works.

As the verdict was read, Dean Skelos’s brother, Peter Skelos, held Dean’s wife, Gail, as she began to sob.

Don’t worry baby, I will keep you warm while he rots in jail.

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, a Democrat, said in a statement that the “convictions of former Speaker Silver and former Majority Leader Skelos should be a wake-up call for the Legislature, and it must stop standing in the way of needed reforms."
“The justice system worked today,” Mr. Cuomo continued. “However, more must be done and will be pursued as part of my legislative agenda.”

HAHAHA You are next into the skillet you fuckwad.

Lol…from the frying pan, right in to the fire.


I’m really hoping Cuomo is next. I think he got careless with the way too much of that Buffalo billion went to his supporters.

If given the chance, I’d cut Cuomos finger nails too short and make him pick glitter off the floor.