4/4 after work beers and peanuts

brew pub, or pizza plant around 6ish

ugh…sounds tempting…jsut cause this day has sucked a lot so far…but i’ll be at dinner :frowning:

Jon…come to Meisters with a bunch of us at 8pm…it is on: 426 Hertel Ave…bring the wife;)

indeed…you should go :slight_smile:

meh, working in the AM ownz me.

maybe i will pop by.

mmm pizza plant. :-\ Ghey responsibilities own me though.

lately i have been a big fan of the brew pub. Free darts and popcorn plus a ton of awesome brews = Winnars.


Meisters FTW :tup:

I was there from 7 till about 30 minutes ago… That Carmel beer is amazing…

Btw, what is the name of that stuff I was trying to find it earlier, and couldn’t remember the name.

Saranac Carmel Porter

IPA > any porter

I’ve got to be in the right mood for an IPA… I personally love Scotch Ales, but Brew House is done with that beer for the season.