4 creed box seats with vip parking

I have foUr box seats for the creed show at darien lake… They come with free vip parking… These tix are very close to stage. Pm asap if intrested

what are you asking?

pm’d. . . . Literally giving these tix away half priced what they should be (and you have your own blocked off area, seperate bathroom,and a waitress for drinks)


How much for these? I wanna go. Errr…wait. :stuck_out_tongue:

did you end up selling these or were you forced to go see creed

Nah they were sold my bad for not updating. . . A family member has box seats for these events and for certain concerts noone goes ya know. May even have two extra tix for greenday but I have a lot of friends that are into there old stuff from the 90’s.