4 Darien Lake Tickets

Looking to take the woman and kids to Darien Lake saturday…thought I would throw this out there before i spend the dough on tickets, to see if anyone had some they weren’t/can’t use or if someone can suggest the cheapest place to get them…Haven’t been there in years so I am kind of out of the loop here.


i know you can get them at wegmans for a few bucks cheaper IIRC. i dont know if anyone sells them cheaper than wegmans.

hope thats some help atleast

yeah, thats the cheapest I have found…still close to $100 for 4 of us…just looking to save as much as i can. thanks for the heads up anyway.

i can get discount tickets at work, i don’t know how much they are off the top of my head. i’ll find out when i go in tonight.

i seem to remember my friend saying he got buy one get one tickets somewhere. i’ll look into that too.

Thanks, i appreciate it!

http://buffalo.craigslist.org/for/1319275293.html try this guy on CL he says $20 a ticket, i dont know him just came across the Ad

^^only one ticket…i would rather buy all 4 together then piece it together…Thanks though

I have 2. PM me if interested.

pm sent

$21.56 a piece at work. i don’t know what they cost normally so i don’t know if that’s a deal or not.

At work, you can get a season pass for 45 bucks per person, 10 dollars for a parking permit for the whole season.

We got it last year, and went twice.

Not really worth it…