401k YTD comparisons

woohoo 19.9% YTD for me…

if only it wasn’t for last year hurting so bad that I’m worst off overall than at the start of last year. :banghead:

how are you guys doing?

Umm, over 20% so far, I’ll check it then vote…

Im going to win … let me log in and get a screen shoot

Im at like 86%… I have to do it when I get home I dont have my contract number here

no 401k for me, Self retirement, the Ron Paul way

Was ~24%, been too depressed to keep close tabs on it lately.

I was at 21% last time I looked.

From the low point in February, mine is up 30%. :headbang:

From January 1st to now it’s up 20.7%.

You talking balance or YTD return per share. My balance is up 500% because my company didn’t match til this year so I never put much in, Share price is +22.2%.


I’ve gotten matched upto 6% since I started 6/7 years ago.

You don’t get matched til you’ve been here a year now. I only put in 1% last year. This year I do the 4% that gets matched with 6%.

yes, per share…

and my 401k matching was suspended for this year :frowning:

so I switched to contributing to a roth 401k (after tax), I’ll switch back when they match again.

Roth IRA’s are cool cause you can manage your own money if you’re so inclined. My 401k I just dump the whole thing into VTIVX and let Vanguard do the work for me.

You’d have to suck at life to not be extremely green at this point in time. Comparatively, unless you didn’t start investing until November, you’ve lost more than you’ve gained.

My company match, and subsequent 1000% contribution increase, started at the February lows :slight_smile:

Nice. I maxed out around Nov. I was already pretty high, its not going anywhere for a long time though so it doesn’t really bother me.


I wish my 401k was actually worth 401k. it’s worth like 8k. :frowning:

Not sure how to read a comparison percentage. But my plan is getting up there. :slight_smile:

18.69% last quarter. first quarter sucked.

you should be in bonds old man :lol: