$480 in tickets today

there is only like 80 million little garages the just give stickers out without looking at your car or caring if it will actually pass or not, that probably should be looked into on your part.

I do not know from actual experience, but I have heard this is true. :beer:

My garage queen is exempt :kekegay:

yea but he needs to be legit now. cop is a inspection officer and will check out his car for the proper requirements. so actually hes fucked
throw it in the gutter go buy another

Sorry Shag, Quik is right dump that mofo and start over.

Sorry to hear man.

do a swap like we been saying or find another one. sport the vert!!!

rock teh explorer and do your LS1 swap

have creamsicle back!

hes able ot have a 2.3 vert fox but doesnt react on it. use that as a donor shell

i’ve been telling him that!:mullet:in the air=win!:smiley:

if you knew how much this cop would investigate, i wouldnt want any business goin down for my mistake. or them “overlooking” the car. if they were legal stickers, i bet i still wouldve been pulled over and the cop still check stickers and him see no tailpipes and investigate why it passed without cats.

#1. Why dont you have tailpipes?

#2. Tell the cocksucker that you put the cats back on for the inspection

you could say that you took the cats off after the inspection

Or just say this is my daily race car.

I heard you recieved a ticket also recently :kekegay:

for what?

for owning a GM

how do you continue to have a driver’s license

Hell if i know.
