$480 in tickets today

1 for No Inspection Sticker $105.00
1 for No Emission Sticker $75.00
1 for Illegal Emission sticker $150.00
1 for Illegal Inspection Sticker $150.00


dam boy!

How can they get you for NO sticker, when you HAD one, it just wasn’t legal?! :confused:

it would been far less if i didnt have the stickers on :rofl:

how did they determin it wad “Illegal” stickers?

he scrapped them off and read a different vin :kekegay:

sorry to hear that shaggy!!

nothing to be sorry about. i knew i was gonna get caught sooner or later.

that blows…

dumb ass!!!


wait how could they tell they were fake inspection and emission stickers?

read the fucking thread

no im mean just from driving by asshole… i know he read the fucking vin from the stickers but how could he originally tell they were fake?

oh, well then I guess I am the asshole. :hs:

It was a DOT ( licensed) officer from Leet twp. Cross is his name.
he spotted the stickers a mile away :kekegay:

That sux.

fuck the DOT

Should have bought that silver Stang…had good stickers for the summer!

Get a G body and no one will notice you!

wow guess it be nice if there where companies that would offer discount inspections and emissions for members of certian boards…be better if these companies even had a link to there website on the main page…

shaggy you dumbass!