This is what is left.
08804 Exedy Stage 1 clutch, brand new. I paid over $250. I’ll take $125. It fits 90-91 LS cable trans.
88-91 hatch quarter panel rust repair panels $40.
PR4 ecu $20.
ef full and eg half radiators $20 each.
brand new gas tank for 88-91 hatch already painted black. I paid $140 new. Asking $75|GRPFUE2AMS_753217915___
Reasonable offers considered. I need this stuff gone.
does the parts car have a title?
got the b series motor mounts still? are they hasport?
Yes I have a title for it.
No they aren’t Hasports. They are Urethane mounts but no brand marking on them from what I’ve saw. (although I have never really looked to hard) I’ll take a look tomorrow.
PMs replied to.
Full Si interior is sold.
Black Si is going to scrap yard hopefully on Wednesday. Last chance on parts off of it. (sunroof, heater, steering column, suspension, etc.) Bump.
that sunroof is worth about 150-200.00 on HT or ebay my buddy sold one last fall for 200.00 + shipping
civic parts are hard to find and that glass fits in a crx also
Thanks for the heads up. I’ll pull it tomorrow morning before scraping the car.
Blue hatch is sold also.
I’ll post more pics of the stuff I still have.
Black Si is gone now. I need to get rid of the rest of this stuff.
Price drop on a few items.
S1 trans, motor mounts, header, starter and axles are sold. Cluster is on eBay.
watacanga - good buyer.
Updated list. I can get pics of the other stuff if needed.
do you or does anyone have a 4 inch fart can silencer? pm me asap:wtf:
I kinda forgot about this stuff until now. Bump.