5/15 Stadiums?

Yeah the streets weren’t exactly flooded when I left. I was too busy being a ricer to stick around

ya there wasnt many people down there. Was fun though had the pittspeed usuals. Wings thursday? Midget stripper at blush?

random-ass homless drunk beeping Supraseans’ horn

I cruised through and didn’t see anyone I knew.

Jesus christ what was up with that dude…

All I remember is Sean telling me to turn around and I have some drunk homeless guy standing 2 feet behind me staring at my back/ass… I fucking lol’d when he reached in Seans car and honked his horn then yelled SHUTUP

I cracked up when he beeped the horn in the Cavy then told US to shut up.

Odd that we had two drunk encounters in the same area in a relatively small time frame.

After meeting those two gentlemen I now know what I want to be when I grow up. SHUT UP

Thanks sean :beer:

Were you there when the first guy came and yelled in russian then asked how to get casino?

np dude, next time i’ll have to stick around and have a beer or two. And that homeless guy was funny as hell, but i thought he was gonna get in the passenger seat of the goat…haha