5-5-06 Comix Cafe

anyone want to head up there? The Sandman is there that night (if you havent seen it… watching people do dumb shit under hynosis is funny as fuck).

anyone feel like going?

ill go with u

What time is it at/

meh i dont feel like paying 20 bucks for a glass of pop and a “basket” of chicken fingers containing the whopping total of 3 fingers

ive seen the sandman before, it was rather dum…

Oh man. If you guys havent seen him before…go there on friday. I saw him the last time he came here, I definitely have never laughed so hard. He had a guy stand up in the crowd and yelled out “im horny as shit!” everytime he said comedy club. The dude that was standing up had no idea what he just said and why everyone was laughing at him.

Do you know what time he goes on? Sabres game > * that night.

I’ve seen his show before and it was fun, if your drunk you will find it very amusing :slight_smile:

for the first show… doors open at 7:00 pm and the show starts at 8:00
for the late show, the doors open at 10:00… show starts at 10:30

joe… I’ll give ya a ring :tup: if anyone wants to go… shoot me a PM

we can meet up @ my joint, I live right around the corner

for anyone who hasnt seen the sandman show, it’s one of the best live shows to experience. (even better if someone u know mans up and gets hynotized… cough FIREHAWK cough)… (even BETTER if that person gets gangbanged by about 9 other people on stage cough CHUCK cough) - and we have this on video!!

but the show is excellent, the venue is small so u can see/hear most everything, and the guy has real talent, and if you bring your girl and she gets hypnotized, you’ll get the best sex ever… (albeit the sandman will prolly hit it first…!)

i actually met him before i even knew who he was. he always goes to the fridays on the blvd when hes in town, and we just ended up talking at the bar. he told me to check out his show, and holy eff im glad i did.

seriously, i cant believe anyone wouldnt think its hilarious.