$5 sale - all items listed in post(memory & power supply)

-verizon dsl modem (with ethernet cord, usb cord and filters)----sold
-verizon dsl wireless modem (with ehternet cord, usb cord and filters)----sold
-wireless mouse (no namer)
-250w computer power supply
-front multimedia pannel for pc (has 2 usb ports, firewire, headphone, mic and audio out ports)

-4 sticks of 512mb pc 5300 laptop memory ($10 for all)

all old school memory 4 sicks for $5
-2 sticks pc 100 (both 128 mb) desktop
-2 sticks pc133 (256mb and 128mb) desktop

located in kemore.
post up or send pm


prices are fallin fast!! lol

falling fast… they haven’t changed…

good dude i picked up a wireless card a few days ago

any idea if the laptop memory is DDR or DDR2?
