50 cent: Blood on the Sand

I am not sure if this is a repost, but I couldn’t believe this when I saw it:

Buyin it just for it’s pure ridiculousness.

looks like any other action packed movie, except for 50 thinks hes in the military now?

Allright Griswald, why don’t you just give me the $50…I’ll kick you in the dick and we’ll both call it a day.:banghead:

I would never pay that, but I would probably buy it used some day. hahah

i wouldnt even consider buying the game. gotta worry about STREET FIGHTER 4, and resident evil 5 :slight_smile:

I didn’t make this thread to see who was buying it, or to be like “hey guys, Look at this game, it’s soooo sweet I might buy it!!heehee:mamoru:”

I posted thread because I think it’s fuckin disgusting and figured someone would get a laugh at how far the entertainment industry will go to make a buck.

I mean come on - it’s 50 cent, in Iraq. Someone out there has to find this as halarious as I do.

it is kinda funny, but its a good move on his part. you know if this game gets dropped to the public, he’s gonna make millions off it.

especially since no one is really buying cds anymore - and that his music has really sucked

i did :lol: when i heard bout this game

More stupid than funny…