6/18 Taffy's Sunday Meet - 8pm

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve had a nice milkshake :tup:

I’ve got a lot to do today, but I’m hoping I can get over there tonight.

yea i’ll be there :tup:

sounds good


Are you going to dip chicken fingers in it?

probably go

Prolly wont go…gas has been killing me this last week. Finally got a car again so I drive everywhere and went threw over $80 in gas in like 4 days :eek:

god joe u better go… lmao

ill be there :tup:


are we actually going to stay @ taffys tonight?

I’ll go if someone wants to pick me up, haha. Pulled the motor out the MR2, and I don’t feel like driving the Civ.

yea that would be ideal lol

maybe me and the bf will stop up


I might, quite possibly, be able to fit this into my tight schedule. I need to run this by my secretary and see if she might be able to pencil this in.


oh and yeah.

I’ll be there.

I get out of work @ 8.

im OUT…too much stuff to do today.

i may show up later. i’m always down for a good milk shake.

plus i wouldn’t mind squeezing in a few runs :smiley:

Im there…joe and I will carpool there…

having a nyspeed member so close will own