7.10.05 Taffy's meet playa

i’ll be there, with a camera possibly

workin till midnight… prolly won’t make it… need to recoup from last night anyway… good times.

might stop buy with blue ball number 2.


what time is everyone heading up there…9ish?

i’m prob. gonna pass on this one…

^^^ yella belly

its perfect out how can u pass

^^^other plans…but if they fall through…i’ll be there

I’m going up around 9. I got the rears done before work and the car stops like a beast now so I’m satisfied I won’t die trying to stop from high speeds. :slight_smile:

I will not be in attendance, I threw my back out so no go for me… I don’t even think I can jerk off which will really ruin my week…

how was the meet?

i just got back from work…had a few people come by and visit me and tell me that not many people really came and it was iffy…

i’ll be there next week though…:slight_smile:

ehh not many ppl came till later but it was decent

we need to plan a big meet on a sunday evening sometime, like idk around 5-6ish maybe in a park n stuff, basically get the nyspeed picnic er watever the fuk its gona be called goin

we had a great hondas cruise tho haha

Lots of Hondas. I love my stick stalling skillz nobody can touch dis right hur. Not a bad night, surprised more didn’t show up :thumb:

ya, the cruise was sick def need more of those

sorry i was too intoxicated to roll up :beer:

:word: to that

Wrd it was fine till half the meet went out for a crooze on some twisty roads.

^ do you have the pic that you took of my karr?