7/11 = free slurpie day

Yup, it’s 7/11 again and 7/11 is giving away free slurpies.
Go get your free brain freeze

Starting at 11am

Ermahgerd, a free dollar!

This is pretty nice since all those Wilson Farms turned into 7-11 now.



They taste good on hot sunny days
They taste even better when they are free

Not if you go ten times…

But then you have to deal with that

A dollar on a day like today can seem like $100

I managed to hit two different locations in mt work travels today…so I had TWO! lol.

I got 2 from the same one…lol

You’re such a jew, lol.

“draedl draedl draedl, I made it out of clay, draedl draedl draedl, I play with it all day”

Ahhhh 7.11oz of free slurpee! :slight_smile:


Got mine today, 7-11 is pissing distance from work, so it was a nice end to the day.

Got one in OP today. Wasn’t that great but meh it’s free

Nice…till next year boys