7/28 KUMHO STREET WARZ & PARTY @ Lancaster

she wants to go maybe you can take her:rx3:, im bringin ashley(pt cruiser girl)


she wants to go maybe you can take her:rx3:, im bringin ashley(18 and single)



Here are some pics from 2005

oh man, I remember that sick whip!!! Brings back memories. I will have another N/A monster civic again some day.:frowning:





:gtfo: ass


are these the hott bitchez???:barf:

ill be there if the rain holds off

word up its down to 30% chance of rain now…lets see if it holds off…

Anyone on a bike plan on crusin up?



are these the hott bitchez???:barf:


yeah, but they’re being paid to be there.

My car is the exact same set up as last year, so I dont really see a point in running it again. I am tossing around the Idea of racing my new enduro!haha

I have a question tho…if I bring a motorcycle, can I race cars?? or do I have to race other motorcycles? As I remember its kinda a free for all, I dont wanna race sport bikes, I"ll get raped up top.

if the z’s not done, i might still make it up to see what kinda 60’ times i can throw down in the HIV CIV

Maybe if they paid me to go I would, definately not paying to go though.


Maybe if they paid me to go I would, definately not paying to go though.


But U will desimate all cause u have a Supra with overnight parts from Japan

I hear rumor that he cheaped out, and just went for standard freight shipping. The car is useless.


she wants to go maybe you can take her:rx3:, im bringin ashley(pt cruiser girl)


why dont i go down to a free clinic and ask for aids


I hear rumor that he cheaped out, and just went for standard freight shipping. The car is useless.


Nah, they were overnighted, it just took him 2 years to put it all together.

x… :carnut


why dont i go down to a free clinic and ask for aids



Anyone wanna meet up and roll deep? Haha

Race warzzzzz, bring the nawzzzzz.

Or the family sedan. Speaking of which I saw a four cylinder accord with a CF hood “light” it up at a light early, and pull a 20 second 0 to 60. I’m physched up now.

The mis-shift and bouncing the rev limiter into 2nd totally made it.

LoL im bringing my stock Legacy SUS, I dont curr cuz thatz how I roll.